PAWS NY in West Side Rag

Nellie and Jango cuddle on a couch, photo by Beth Schwartz
Attention Upper West Siders: this one’s for you: the West Side Rag featured PAWS in an article!
Journalist Lisa Kava sat down with Victoria, Will, and Rachel from PAWS to talk about three specific clients and how PAWS is helping them care for their puppies. The article also goes into detail describing the lore from how founder Rachel Herman originally started the nonprofit.
“Rachel Herman, executive director of PAWS NY, founded the nonprofit in 2008, when she was a graduate student at New York University. PAWS, which stands for ‘Pets Are Wonderful Support,’ was inspired by a homeless couple and their dog that Herman saw each day on her way to class.
‘It broke my heart that someone would give up a warm bed at night to stay with their dog, because at the time shelters did not allow pets,’ Herman told West Side Rag. ‘I began to think about older adults and how as we age taking care of pets might become more difficult for some.’ While working in development at the ASPCA, Herman pursued her PAWS idea, eventually raising the funding to make it a full-time job in 2012.”
We’re so happy Rachel took that first major step in 2008 towards making an impact on New Yorkers and their adorable pets. The animals are happy too!
Check out the full article and learn about some of the amazing guardians and volunteers that help make PAWS such an impactful organization.