PAWS NY Volunteer Spotlight: Tim
Our next Volunteer Spotlight is Tim, who has been volunteering with PAWS NY since June 2019. A regular volunteer up in Morningside Heights, Tim helped Richard and Bella every week (pre-COVID) and is also active with the Upper Morningside Mutual Aid group.
“Richard is a really neat guy,” Tim says. “He was part of a group that successfully lobbied local officials to build the dog run in Morningside Park, he knows everybody on the block, and Bella is completely devoted to him.”
Learn more about Tim, including his cute routine with Bella, by reading his full Q&A below!

How did you hear about PAWS NY?
I work with a hospice and we have referred patients to PAWS NY.
Why are you passionate about PAWS and our mission of helping people by helping pets?
I’ve experienced first hand the ways pets enrich life. I believe strongly in helping people stay in the place they’ve chosen as their homes through debility, illness, and death. So, the mission of PAWS NY is the perfect fit for me.
Do you have pets of your own? Or have you in the past? Tell us about them!
I’ve had dogs and cats all my life. My partner Diana and I now have a 10-year-old French Bulldog, Lillie, and an 8-year-old short-haired cat, Oliver.

What do you do during your volunteer shift? Which clients & pets do you help? What do you do with the pets during your shift?
My primary relationship is with Bella and her owner, Richard. Pre-pandemic, I walked Bella every Friday in Morningside Park and then spent 15 minutes or so visiting with Richard. During the pandemic, I’ve been checking in on them via phone. I’ve also recently done some vet visit transports, as well.
What is your favorite part about volunteering? Do you have any favorite memories?
I love spending time with Bella and talking with Richard and his home health aide. They feel like part of the family now.
Bella is a huge pit bull, but she is a total love bug. When I arrive she is so excited…she lies down for a belly rub, awkwardly tries to assist when I put her sweater on in cold weather, etc. She is a neighborhood celebrity and everyone greets her by name. Richard is also a really neat guy. He was part of a group that successfully lobbied local officials to build the dog run in Morningside Park, knows everybody on the block, and Bella is completely devoted to him.

Where are you from? Where in the city do you live now?
I’m from Quakertown, which is a town about halfway between Allentown and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Now, I live in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan.

What do you like to do in your spare time (besides volunteer with PAWS NY)?
I like to read, walk in Riverside Park, find new movies and series on Netflix, eat out with friends (pre-pandemic), and travel. I also do volunteer work through the Upper Morningside Mutual Aid group.

Share 1-3 fun facts about yourself!
1. I love to wear colorful socks … especially ones made by Happy Socks.
2. I played competitive volleyball until sidelined by a shoulder injury 2 years ago.
3. And Diana and I got engaged on Christmas morning, 2020!
Congratulations to Tim and Diana and thanks so much for your support and dedication to PAWS NY!