PAWS on CBS show Extraordinary World with Jeff Corwin

On January 18th, we were beyond excited to be featured on the new CBS show Extraordinary World with Jeff Corwin! Our episode explored our partnership with The Brady Hunter Foundation, specifically one of our recent Pet Pantry Food Distribution Events in Astoria, Queens. The episode also shone a spotlight on three of our Housecall clients,…

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Isaac H. Tuttle Fund Renews Support of PAWS NY

A puppy yawns

The Isaac H. Tuttle Fund recently awarded a $30,000 grant to PAWS NY. This is the foundation’s third year supporting the organization’s Housecall Program, with a specific focus on serving older people and pets in Manhattan. “The Isaac H. Tuttle Fund has been an enormous help the last few years preserving the human-animal bond for so many people…

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Isaac H. Tuttle Fund Renews Support of PAWS NY

Image of an older man in the background, with his dog, a brown and white chihuahua in the foreground. Text says "Thank You to the Isaac H. Tuttle Fund!" with the PAWS NY logo

The Isaac H. Tuttle Fund recently awarded a $25,000 grant to PAWS NY. This is the foundation’s second year supporting the organization’s Housecall Program, with a specific focus on serving people and pets in Manhattan.  “The Isaac H. Tuttle Fund has quickly become a key partner for our work in Manhattan, where they work to…

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The Lily Auchincloss Foundation Awards Grant to PAWS NY

The Lily Auchincloss Foundation, whose mission is to increase the quality of life in New York City, recently awarded PAWS NY a $15,000 grant for its Housecall Program. As PAWS NY continues to expand services in all five boroughs of NYC, these funds will help the organization offer volunteer training and manage targeted outreach in…

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New Funder: Isaac H. Tuttle Fund

The Isaac H. Tuttle Fund recently awarded a $30,000 grant to PAWS NY. This first-time funding will support the organization’s Housecall Program, with a specific focus on serving people and pets in Manhattan. The goal of the Isaac H. Tuttle Fund is to enable older persons to continue living in their own homes so long…

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COVID-19 Update: September 2020

Six months after the initial shutdowns in New York City, the COVID-19 pandemic is still making an impact on our city and organization. PAWS NY CLIENTS AND PROGRAMS The PAWS NY leadership and Board of Directors are discussing how we can resume our Housecall Program, which was suspended in March. We’re working on safety protocols…

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